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How To Get 10K Views in YouTube

  • Jomar Hilario Jomar Hilario

In my second YouTube Channel, my most popular video is this one with 10,000+ view

The title is “I can’t find page settings in Facebook 2024. Help!”

1. This has nothing to do with Affiliate Marketing or Virtual Careers or AI or Catholics

2. This video is easy to make -even for a phone user. It’s a screen share.

3. People are finding this video – when there are many more videos out there that have this topic

4. The video solves a simple problem that people are looking for.

5. I didn’t even speak or show my face in this 10K view video.

6. I had to be patient with the video because, at first, it didn’t get to 10,000 in 30 days.

Many promise 1 million Views or Viral Views in 30 days. This is not it.

Please get back to me after you join them and get different results.


Here’s the growth chart. Notice something?

It’s constant and growing at times.

It’s never zero.



I think the answer is yes if you’re a serious business owner or a wannabe freelancer.

But the problem isn’t skills.

As I showed in my latest videos, it takes 8 minutes to edit a 2-hour video.

You need a computer and my tool Https://

Video editing is not the thing.

You can do that if you have 8 minutes to spare to learn how to edit videos.


The “lack of skills” isn’t the only problem.

It’s the lack of Momentum.

You need to do this task regularly.

After all, “Growing something” is a daily or regular thing.

You can’t plant a SEED and, after 1 day – finally have a full-grown tree in your land.

You have to plant and water every day or at least every week.

This takes momentum.

Momentum is the “public secret” of winners in life!

Gusto mo ng momentum?


If you’re looking for Momentum in building a VIDEO ACCOUNT like that on YOUTUBE, then invite Kita to the…


This time, we’re going to build a HELPFUL YouTube Channel.

So you’ll get followers and subscribers, get monetized, and get leads for your business.

1. YT is now the #1 used Video Platform in the Living Room, not on your phone. At least in the USA.

2. Yes, more people use YT on their TVs than on their phones.

  1. YT is now the new TV
  2. YT is now more popular than ALL Streaming Services – and it’s free pa!
  3. YT can get you the influence you want.
  4. YT gives you a faster way to monetize — 500 subscribers lang + a few thousand views – monetized na!


Yes, you can! Go ahead – I already told you the formula:
1. Helpful videos that solve a problem.

  1. Tapos do it with momentum – make a video per week.
  2. So after 1 year, 50 vidoes ka.
  3. You can even use your phone.
  4. You can hide your face and voice, too.
    DO IT!


I’m here to help you.


You’ll want answers to these kasi:
1. What topics should you be focusing on?

  1. What problems should you be solving for people in YT?
  2. How do you know whether the topic you’re solving is WORTH making a video?
  3. What tools should you use?
  4. How should you use these tools to make videos?
  5. Pwede ba AI generated videos ? (hint: well….)

I’ll be sure to answer these in a FREE LIVESTREAM.

Stay tuned! Bukas TUE FEB 25, 2025 9pm.

Let’s find out how to do this.

In the meantime, if you’re GAME TO LEARN, you can click REPLY, and I’ll put your name in the INVITE list for the LIVESTREAM. Just so you know, I only have slots limited to being a guest inside the LIVESTREAM.

It’s your turn to INCREASE!

Jomar Hilario

P.S. This is something I’ll DO with or w/o you.

I want to know if you want company to do this project.

It’s easier to do things w/o guidance and classmates.

If you would like to grow a YouTube presence NOW – in 30 days – to create momentum – please reply. I’ll be waiting.

Sama ka? Reply ka!

Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.EXE hacked or legit? Where to get a legit version?

  • Jomar Hilario Jomar Hilario

Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.3 may not be working for you?

So you’re looking for Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2?

Is that file you found online (not in BIR website) a legit file or a hacked file?

Here’s how you can find out if it’s legit or not.
1. Get a trusted IT person to get the Checksum for the file you got.

2. The Checksum is a single number that must match the original Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.EXE from BIR

You are now trying to get a file that matches this checksum or SHA256 Hash for Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.EXE from BIR

Here’s the Checksum or the SHA256 Hash, as it’s also called – for Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.EXE


Any version of this file you find online must have the exact Checksum as above.

How to get the checksum yourself?
1. Go to the terminal (Terminal in Mac)

2. openssl sha256 [Filename]
Example: openssl sha256 c:\downloads\Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.exe

1. Go to the Command Prompt in Windows

2. For Windows users:certUtil –hashfile [Filename] SHA256
Example: :certUtil –hashfile c:\downloads\Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.exe SHA256

In both cases, the command will give you a long number. That’s the Checksum.
Now compare that checksum to this number:

If this number above is the same as the number you created using the app above, you have a legit – UNHACKED file.

If you’re still looking for a legit version for Alphalist Data Entry and Validation 7.2.exe
, this Official link for Alphalist 7.2 from the official BIR website should work.

If this is too technical for you, please consult your PICPA accredited, PICPA trained CPAs to help you out.
Thanks for reading.
Consider subscribing to this website to get help in Marketing and in Life.

Should this number be a secret?
No, anybody who can type can get this number.
It’s not a password.
It’s just a number used by computer technology people to check if they have the original file or not.
I generated that long number by getting the 7.2 file from the BIR website and running the 2 apps above.
That’s how the number is generated.
Can you get a fake file with the same number?
Not likely. Anytime you modify a file, the checksum always changes.

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