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Lighter Sins but Still Sins

  • Jomar Hilario Jomar Hilario

Here are Lighter Sins but Still Sins, since the requirement for Plenary Indulgence is removal of the ATTACHMENT to sins and not just "not committing sins." So you should still avoid these:


  1. No Other Gods
    Thinking that money or fame is more important than God.
  2. Using God’s Name in Vain
    Casually saying “God” when upset or joking, not treating it with respect.
  3. Not Keeping Sunday Holy
    Forgetting to think about God on Sundays and treating it like any other day.
  4. Dishonoring Parents
    Having negative thoughts about your parents or not appreciating what they do for you.
  5. Murder
    Feeling angry or wishing harm on someone instead of resolving conflicts peacefully.
  6. Adultery
    Fantasizing about someone who isn’t your spouse instead of being loyal.
  7. Stealing
    Thinking about taking something that isn’t yours, even if you don’t act on it.
  8. Bearing False Witness
    Spreading rumors or thinking unkind thoughts about others without knowing the truth.
  9. Coveting Your Neighbor’s Spouse
    Daydreaming about being with someone else’s partner instead of being happy with your own spouse.
  10. Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
    Constantly wishing you had what others have, leading to feelings of jealousy and discontent.


  1. Worshiping Other Gods
    We might focus too much on games or celebrities instead of God.
  2. Using God’s Name Wrongly
    We say "[Hmm Curse Word or OMG or OH MY GOO___]!" casually, which isn’t respectful.
  3. Not Keeping Sunday Special
    We forget to rest on Sundays and treat it like any other day.
  4. Not Honoring Parents
    We talk back to our parents instead of listening to them.
  5. Killing
    We think of mean things about someone instead of being kind.
  6. Adultery
    We might have a crush on someone else while you’re married..
  7. Stealing
    We borrow things without asking or take food without permission.
  8. Lying About Others
    We tell little lies or spread rumors about people.
  9. Coveting Your Neighbor’s Spouse
    We feel jealous when we see someone else’s happy relationship.
  10. Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
    We want our friend’s "toys" and feel bad when they have fun with them.

Read more about how to apply this in Plenary Indulgence in :

Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025 Jubilee Year, Plenary Indulgence Requirement

  • Jomar Hilario Jomar Hilario

Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025 Jubilee Year, Plenary Indulgence Requirement

JAN: Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025 January
For the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.

February – Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.

March – Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For families in crisis
Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.

April – Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For the use of the new technologies
Let us pray that the use of the new technologies will not replace human relationships, will respect the dignity of the person, and will help us face the crises of our times.

May- Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For working conditions
Let us pray that through work, each person might find fulfilment, families might be sustained in dignity, and that society might be humanized.

June- Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

That the world might grow in compassion
Let us pray that each one of us might find consolation in a personal relationship with Jesus, and from his Heart, learn to have compassion on the world.

July- Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For formation in discernment
Let us pray that we might again learn how to discern, to know how to choose paths of life, and reject everything that leads us away from Christ and the Gospel.

August- Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For mutual coexistence
Let us pray that societies where coexistence seems more difficult might not succumb to the temptation of confrontation for ethnic, political, religious, or ideological reasons.

September-Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For our relationship with all of creation
Let us pray that, inspired by Saint Francis, we might experience our interdependence with all creatures who are loved by God and worthy of love and respect.

October-Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For collaboration between different religious traditions
Let us pray that believers in different religious traditions might work together to defend and promote peace, justice, and human fraternity.

November-Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For the prevention of suicide
Let us pray that those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts might find the support, care, and love they need in their community, and be open to the beauty of life.

December-Pope Francis’s Prayer Intentions for 2025

For Christians in areas of conflict
Let us pray that Christians living in areas of war or conflict, especially in the Middle East, might be seeds of peace, reconciliation, and hope.

For more on Plenary Indulgences, listen to the Family Catholic Discovery Podcast at Https://
For more on Plenary Indulgences, read my essays at Https://

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