Gloww’s (Zoom replacement) output file can’t be edited by Descript (Sad face emoji)
The world’s best Zoom replacement (even better than is gloww ( Https://
However its output file is WEBM with Variable Frame Rates.
This cannot be edited directly by Descript (Https:// – the world’s best AI Editor for video.
To solve this, I had to convert the Gloww WebM file using Handbake.
This is an extra step.
But worth it as I really love Gloww’s newest features that blows Zoom out of the water.
It’s deal for the top Universities in the World – your students will LOVE YOU — and the teachers will be able to use it with VERY MINIMAL PREP.
Check it out.Https://
CHECKED: Disable lazy loading of images that was natively added since WordPress