Many think Affiliate Marketing is…
1. I use a product or app.
- I apply to be an affiliate.
- I get approved and get my affiliate link
- I post about the thing online.
- I get paid.
Though the list above is correct, there are so many missing parts.
Missing is the best way to start.
What is the best way?
- I use a product or app.
- I post about it online to places where it will be appreciated (outside of my feed)
- I keep posting about it – while talking to the other people who also use or like it.
- I keep doing 2-3 for six months.
- Now, I’m ready to apply to become an affiliate.
The steps above are too simple. How do high-earning Affiliate Marketers do it?
- Create an account in an email marketing automation app.
- While doing 1-4 above, invite people to join your email newsletter.
- This way you can email them directly when you want to say anything.
- You still talk to them in those places where you found them.
Problem: What should the high-earning Affiliate Marketer say so people will subscribe to their email newsletter? Does “Subscribe” work?
No, it doesn’t work like on YouTube.
The High Earning Affiliate Marketing must create a lead magnet.
How do you make a lead magnet?
Let’s define first what’s a not a lead magnet:
1. Not a quick and dirty ebook you told chatgpt to make.
- Not a long book.
- Not a video made by someone else.
- Not a PDF made by someone else.
So what’s a lead magnet?
- It’s something that your crowd in the original steps 1-4 are always talking about.
- It’s based on a pain they feel. They may not talk about it, but you and everyone else there – knows its real.
- It may be something that 80% of them always complain about.
You know there’s Google right?
If you google “Lead Magnet” you’ll see a bunch of ebooks. That doesn’t help. That’s because an ebook cover is not a lead magnet.
An effective lead magnet, must solve some problem. And if you google for Lead Magnets – and you don’t know who is it for – it will not make sense.
(You realize I’ve a long table about Lead Magnets in my book Second Incomes, right?)
You: Interested in Cars
Problem: “So you’re ready to buy your first car, you don’t know the first thing to look for.”
Lead magnet: ___________
You: Interested in Fighter Jet Planes (Yes, the kind only countries can buy)
Problem: “I wonder if they have model of that rare plane…?”
Lead magnet :____________
You: Interested in Money because that’s what the gurus taught you and you know nothing else. You even neglected your children and not they don’t care about you. LOL.
Problem: Your kids don’t care if you live or die as long you give them money.
Lead magnet: ____________
Your job, guess the answer and post it here in this FB GROUP:
I’ll give you access to the ANSWERS, for free. Just join that fb group above and leave a comment.
Note: What’s inside the FB GROUP?
Practical advise I give to affiliates in promoting apps and my book.
Actual videos, images and text you will need to use to promote using Affiliate Marketing …and more!
It’s your turn to INCREASE!
Jomar Hilario