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Do I need an email list for the affiliate marketing you’ll be teaching?

  • Jomar Hilario Jomar Hilario

JEFF asks:

1. Do I need an email list for the affiliate marketing you’ll be teaching? (What if I don’t have a list?)
Ideally, you should be creating an email list from scratch when you start in Affiliate Marketing. This is what you’ll learn in Profitable Funnels Mentoring.

However, for this weekend’s session on Saturday at 8 PM, you will not need a list.

You see, there are people you don’t know who buy stuff (like Jomar, obvious yan). These people are online (again, Jomar, obvious yan).

You just have to go to where they are and Teach, Tell Stories, or provide Tech Support to get their attention and encourage them to consider buying whatever it is you’re discussing.

Since this is all online, there’s no person-to-person rejection. Also, we will not be selling; nobody will be selling—especially in this training. We’ll be marketing. I discussed this in the book Second Incomes.

I already mentioned how to market: Teach, Tell Stories, and Tech Support. More details will be provided on Saturday at 8 PM and in the next three Saturdays.

I hope this encourages you to join by getting the book ASAP: Http://

2. Where do I get products from?
If you read the book, I included a lot of links there. Many of these links lead to the products we will attempt to market.

Another product is the Second Income Book. You’ll enjoy a 30% commission just by marketing the book.

If you’ve read the book, you know whether 30% is low or high. Hint: People on TikTok are excited about a 10% commission, and those on Lazada/Shoppee are happy with a 6% commission rate.

In the case of all three platforms, there’s a cap (limit) to earnings. However, in Second Incomes, we do not deal with capped earnings.

Since the products are online, you do not "get them" or order them. You simply create an account with them (like when you first created a Yahoo Mail account).

There is no inventory in the Affiliate Marketing that I discuss in Second Incomes. We’re not doing dropshipping (which I think is a scam).

I hope this encourages you to join by getting the book ASAP: Http://

3. Do I need to spend anything for the tools that will be needed later on?
Always! If there’s a free tool out there, you can bet I USE IT TO THE MAX. If you’re in my courses, I WILL TELL YOU HOW TO USE THE FREE TOOLS.

Sure, free tools are available on Google and YouTube, but which tool should you use? Only those who practice Affiliate Marketing know which free tools are effective.

If there’s a high-cost tool and a low-cost tool that you need to pay for, of course! I’ll tell you all about it too.

Personally, I do not like or pay for high-cost tools; my only high-cost tool is my MacBook Air from the year 2000. Everything else I use is not high cost—I’ve learned my lesson.

If you want to ESCAPE THE PAINFUL LESSONS of setting up an online business that has existed for more than 16 years, listen to me.

In page 50 of Second Incomes, you’ll see a detailed breakdown of the cost of running an Affiliate Marketing business for ONE YEAR. Have you seen it?

I hope this encourages you to join by getting the book ASAP: Http://

Thank you for your questions, Jeff!

See you on Saturday! It’s your turn to INCREASE!

Jomar Hilario

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