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Here’s How To Decide Whether Freelancing Is Right For You

  • Jomar Hilario Jomar Hilario

Freelancing has its advantages, and it’s especially appealing to corporate employees who feel overworked and underappreciated.

In spite of the drawbacks, the gig economy is here to stay.

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

Your friends and neighbors may already be working independently, at least as a part-time side hustle.

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

1. For better or worse, you’re in control of your salary and benefits.

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

2. For better or worse, you set your own hours.

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

3. For better or worse, you measure your own performance.

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

4. For better or worse, you set (and fund) the professional development agenda.

Here is where the writer will write stuff…

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