Create Up to $50/hour As A Freelancer in the Philippines

Proven for 7 Years To Create Super Successful Filipino Freelancers!


Enjoy 40% Off The
Virtual Careers Video Workshop



Yes, invest in the Best Training that’s been proven to help you ​ get into the MONEY HABITS of Highly Paid Freelancers.

Click here to join this self-paced training now at 40% off - for only P 4,197 (40% off) - discount good for​ 7 days​ only.

Take for example, Filipino freelancers Mike, Nina, Jem and Heart - they all know Facebook Ads - they learned it from me in 2014.

Yet - one of them earns $100/hour.

Another, $60/hour & another $25/hour.

Why is that?

I personally know these people. I’ve also interviewed them in my online show and I can tell you the answer.

It’s their money habits, it’s their “way of thinking” that makes a difference.

$25/hour = P 100,000/month working 4 hours /day
$100/hour = P 400,000/month working 4 hours/day

The difference is P 300,000 a month.

Would you like to get that kind of difference?

Read on.


So what kind of habits? What kind of thinking, you ask can get you an extra -consistent - P300,000/ day?

And important - how can YOU “get that way of thinking, right NOW?


I’m going to reveal it to you.


One of them invested more in herself than the others.

You see - if you tell yourself - using your wallet that “you deserve this” - then your mind will follow, too.

But many people (of course, not you) invest in the wrong things.

Better phones. Better watches, Better food, Better clothes.Better homes. Better cars.Better schools.

They are missing the point.


You need to invest in the best Mentors, better Friends & the best Training.

Mike, Nina, Jem and Heart did all that.  In fact, they know each other. They’re my trainees, once upon a time in "How to earn high as a virtual assistant seminar."

Today, it’s called the "Virtual Careers Video Workshop”.

For the next 24 hours, you have a unique opportunity to get the  Virtual Careers Video Workshop for 40% off.

Yes, invest in the Best Training that’s been proven to help you start THINKING the abundant way, getting into the MONEY HABITS of Highly Paid Freelancers.

Click here to join this self-paced training now at 40% off - only P 4,197

Become a Highly Paid Freelancer Now!

​Your Trainer, Jomar Hilario

​Jomar is the founder of Virtual Careers Academy & author of the books Virtual Careers, Secrets of the Online Marketing Game. Secrets of an Attractive Virtual Assistant Blog and more. He's trained thousands of Virtual Assistants for more than 7 years.

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