Learn how to make your own website for your businesseven if you’re a non-techie.
OVERVIEW1. Come up with your name or domain name. You buy this from Https://jhilario.com/buyname. While you’re there, be sure to buy also “private email” – a cheap service that’s required for 2024 and beyond.
2. Identify the purpose of your site. What problem are you going to solve for those who see this site?
3. Quickly Identify your logo, branding, and official colors.
4. Buy a website from the choices below. Pick either a super cheap website provider or a moderately priced provider.
5. Why pick super cheap? If you’re not yet determined and want to try this out. Get the cheap one here: https://jhilario.com/elementorwordpress
6. Why pick moderately priced? People and Google like websites that load fast. Fast costs a little bit more. Get the fast one here: Http://jhilario.com/wpforless2
7. Once you have created the website, it is time to set it up for success. This means plugins. You’ll need my help in installing these. The list of plugins is on Jomar’s Best Tools page.8. The best websites for business have the means to collect emails of prospects, readers, and visitors. Create an account in this service (free)
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© Ideas That Prosper, Inc
CLAIMS:I do not make income claims at all. If there is any income mentioned, those belongs to the owners of these claims. Any result you may get from this training are mainly mindset change, the transformation of the mind, and understanding. The income you earn will not be the same as the ones I earned – primarily because we’re not duplicates.So to achieve a good income from these, you need to apply all the principles stated here and many personal development ones stated in my other media. There is no one “cure all”.TOOLS:I only recommend tools and services that I have vetted, use or like. Just assume all links mentioned are affiliate links. They do not increase the price of the product or tool but I do receive a small compensation for recommending these tools to you.Having said that, I use most if not all these tools and fully believe that they’re the best of breed and best in class for your use today.How do I know? I use them!